Era appropriate biases
The goal of this game is to play in the era, and it was a very gender-based, prudish society.
Gender: Men and women were not allowed to be left alone without chaperones, particularly in this echelon of society, and virginity was expected of unmarried women. Societal roles and expectations were extremely gendered and marriage was an expected inevitability. A character is the gender they present as, for all intents and purposes of society, and this will not be questioned at all in game based on OOC player presentation.
Class: Classism will be a major theme of this game. While it is not an “upstairs, downstairs” larp, status in society will be a large part of these characters’ lives and cannot be ignored.
Race: Plot regarding race, while an important part of people’s lives in the 1800s, will be exclusively opt-in at player discretion. Otherwise, please ignore it.
Disability: Plot regarding disability will be exclusively opt-in at player discretion. Unless brought up by the player in plot, please ignore mobility or other similar aids. We will not write disabled characters into our game for abled players to play.
Sexuality: Brutal homophobia is not ever going to be a plot at this game, and there are queer characters written into it. However, society as a whole disapproves, and they must be appropriately discreet about their preferences. Games that facilitate absolutely free, expressive, beautiful palettes of gender and sexuality are incredible and some of our favorites as queer authors and larpwrights; this is not, specifically, the game for exploring that.
Out of character homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, etc. is not tolerated at all and will be grounds for immediate removal.