

Grimmoire Productions aims to share the magic of storytelling through immersive live-action roleplay experiences. Roleplay can teach us empathy, creativity, and problem-solving while also fostering a sense of community, belonging, and emotional catharsis.

Player negotiation, consent, and clear expectation setting will always be a part of our larps.

We prioritize player well-being at Grimmoire Productions, but we know that emotional safety does not always mean comfort. Larp, and all art forms, can sometimes be challenging. However players will be armed, to the best of our abilities, with the skills to advocate for themselves and make risk-informed decisions.

Vivien Grimm

Grimmoire Productions is a project by Vivien Grimm (she/sir). Her first independent blockbuster larp is Lies & Liability, but she’s written and worked on several other projects. The IDGN Award Nominated A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Toontown, Golden Cobra game Good Morning, as well as dozens of games at conventions such as InterCon, GenCon, and BeCon. She has staffed New World Magischola, Uncanny Valley, and Project Ascension. She is Communications Chair for BeCon and on the programming panel for InterCon. She is a cosplayer by night and a museum director by day.

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.”