What’s the scariest thing that can happen at Hawkins?
We have an extensive list of content warnings available below so you can gauge if Hawkins is or is not for you.
While we can avoid casting you directly into certain plots, we can’t guarantee you won’t discover scenes you find upsetting or won’t get scared by something at game. We’ll let players rank the degree of scares they want from 1-5, but you may still stumble into other scenes. We don’t anticipate high-intensity fear, but if you can’t stomach a haunted house, you might want to think twice about Hawkins. You will always be able to opt out or remove yourself from any situation or scene, no questions asked, if it becomes too intense. Player characters can die, but only ever at that player’s consent.
You probably won’t encounter all of these themes, but you may encounter any of them. Hawkins is a player driven game, and any of these themes may come up in play or discussion. There is a list of excluded content at the bottom.